Sustainable Arid Gardening

Arid areas of the country have very different and complex issues when growing plant species. The most limiting factor of arid gardens is moisture, as there is limited precipitation during the growing season and often moisture is lost in large scale evapotranspiration during the high summer heat.

Does this mean you can’t ever be successful with growing beautiful flowers and your own food? Definitely not! You just need to be innovative, be willing to adapt, and plan for issues to pop up. The challenges that arid growers face often are an opportunity for pests and pathogens to creep in, so really understanding how to maximize the tools you have to face challenges that arise can really help.

I will be posting about this on my Sustainable Gardening blog page, while using my thesassyorganic blog for mainly food posts. I have multiple blog pages where I write about different subjects, so feel free to follow them all!

My Blogs:


PNW Native Pollinators

Sustainable Arid Gardening

PNW Ecosystem Conservation

Permaculture Transitioning

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